Monday, October 25, 2010

What... the heck?!

Right now I am very stressed and confused. So far I've really enjoyed college, and the learning experience that goes along with it. All of my professors are really cool, and great at what they do. I have been working very hard on all of my assignments in all of my classes, and I know that several other people in my classes have been as well. This being said, the workload this quarter has been stressful, and often confusing. I don't know if its because this is my 1st quarter in college, or if its because its my first online course ever taken, or maybe there's just been a big misunderstanding among teachers and students..

The due dates and correspondence which I've received for this class have completely thrown me through a loop. While I thought that I was on-track with my assignments, it seems that I am somehow a week behind? I was under the impression that this blog creation was due on the 31st, but was recently informed that it was due the 24th? Which doesn't fit the deadlines that were e-mailed to the class a few weeks ago.. Which makes me wonder when the midterm assignments are due?

I thought this was going to be a relatively smooth mid-term week, but now I'm STRESSING about due dates, which assignments are due, when they're due and how I'm going to manage to finish all of these assignments in such a short amount of time! I feel just as lost, confused and stressed out as I was in the first week of of my Digifun class, (What a mess that was!! ha!) . If anyone has the answers to these questions PLEASE feel free to share, I could really use some guidance right about now!
Thanks and good luck to everyone on their Mid-Term week!


  1. Part of the confusion has been my fault, not yours. The timeline and due date confusion have been due to my screwup. You are doing a great job and I have noticed your work. Your grades are good and I like your views. I apologize for your stress.

  2. Sorry, I wrote this on a whim when I was completely freaking out lol. Everythings good now =o) I've been looking at everyone's blog entries and responses and I think this was the missing link that we all needed.. it seems like a great way for all of us to interact and exchange ideas and perspectives
